Chemical CleanOut events announced

Council will host two Chemical CleanOut events in July and August and is encouraging residents to clear out unwanted hazardous chemicals from around the home and correctly dispose of them for free.

5 July 2023


COMMUNITY members can safely drop off their chemicals between 9am-3.30pm on the following dates:


  • Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 July 2023 at Charmhaven Council Depot, Chelmsford Road, Charmhaven


  • Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 August 2023 at Kincumber Waste Management Facility Cullens Road, Kincumber


Items that can be dropped off include paint tins, pesticides, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, fluorescent globes and tubes, as well as any unknown or unidentified chemicals which are accepted for identification and correct disposal.


Only household quantities will be accepted. This includes up to 100L of paint in containers of 20L or less. For all other items, up to 20L or 20kg will be accepted.


Council would like to remind residents to transport material safely by keeping chemicals in the original container and remaining in their vehicles when dropping off hazardous waste.


For the full list of chemicals that can be dropped off call 131 555 or visit


If you are unsure about how to dispose of items, check the A-Z Waste Disposal and Recycling Guide at


The Household Chemical CleanOut program is a NSW Government Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy, brought to you by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Paintback and Central Coast Council.

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