Coast climate action festival
A new climate action group for parents will launch at the Central Coast Climate Action Festival at the Narara Ecovillage on 24th August, giving inspiration and hope to parents, grandparents and anyone concerned about our children’s future in the face of the climate crisis.
14 August 2024
SCIENTISTS have been raising the alarm for two decades that global warming might be pushing great systems in the natural world toward collapse. These systems — like the Amazon rain forest, coral reefs or the colossal polar ice sheets — are so big that they can stay somewhat balanced, as human behavior causes hotter fires and wetter storms.
But only to a point. Once we warm the planet beyond certain levels, this balance might be lost and a switch could flip.
The Coast Climate Action Festival will showcase the solutions to the climate crisis, with the keynote speaker, Tim Forcey, author of My Efficient Electric Home, on hand to inspire people to electrify their home to save on energy bills, clean up their indoor air quality, and cut carbon pollution.
“The Festival aims to bring together anyone who’s concerned about the climate crisis and wants to get on with solving the problem together,” said Festival organiser and national founder of Parents for Climate, Suzie Brown, who lives in Narara.
“People will hear from expert presenters on retrofitting for a low carbon home, getting batteries for your home, school or business, and driving an electric vehicle. We’ll have a range of EVs on display, even showing how their batteries can cook sausages!
“The Narara Ecovillage will inspire festival-goers, who can enjoy a tour of the low carbon ecohomes, the community battery and solar microgrid, and the community gardens.
“Importantly we’ll also have a workshop on how we can engage our local politicians and influence government decisions about climate change solutions like phasing out coal and gas and adopting more renewable energy.”
Parents for Climate is a non-partisan, solutions-focused organisation with over 20,000 supporters, and with local groups in every state and territory in Australia. Local parents have joined forces to launch a new group on the Central Coast and are keen to involve parents from across the Coast.
Mother of two from Umina, Alissa Hattersley, said she had joined the new Parents for Climate group because it gave her hope.
“I’m extremely concerned that the government is not acting quickly enough to protect our kids’ future in the face of growing climate impacts like bushfires, drought, storms and sea level rise. But getting together with other concerned parents so we can do something about it together is really giving me hope.”
The Central Coast Climate Action Festival is on Saturday 24th August at Narara Ecovollage, 33 Gugandi Road, Narara, and there will be:
Register for free here.