13 December 2023
A grim future?
Climate change is already affecting the Central Coast, particularly through increased temperatures, destruction of our forests and coal mining. The environmental, economic and cultural values are just some aspects of the region that have been identified as being highly vulnerable to climate change.
13 December 2023
Flying with clipped wings
How many times and exorbitant amount of money has to be spent on an airport masterplan? The current plan raised at last nights Council meeting is attempt number four of a pipe dream that will do nothing more than squander money in an attempt to pander to a privileged few.
13 December 2023
Out with the old, in with the new
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Or maybe it’s the ham, or whatever you choose to partake in, is on the Yuletide table? All the goodies waiting to be heartily devoured with family, young and old.
13 December 2023
Here and Now art exhibition shines a light on artists with disability
Central Coast Council is pleased to present a new exhibition ‘Here and Now’ celebrating the talents of Central Coast artists who are living with disability.
13 December 2023
Ourimbah's new return and earn machine
Central Coast locals have a new location to recycle their eligible bottles and cans with a new Return and Earn machine now open at Ourimbah RSL.
13 December 2023
Give blood and give the gift of life this Christmas
Ahead of the busy Christmas season, Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch MP is urging potential blood donors across the Central Coast to roll up their sleeves and give blood to help people in need.
13 December 2023
Local defibrillators at sporting facilities
The Entrance, Wyong and Gosford are three of several electorates that will share in $500,000 from the NSW Government through a program that installs life-saving defibrillators at sports facilities.
13 December 2023
Bush firefighters reaching new heights
Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib has officially opened the new $8.3 million NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) Aviation Centre of Excellence in Dubbo today, a significant milestone at the start of what is expected to be a hot and challenging summer.
13 December 2023
The Entrance Channel needs work to reduce flood risk
The Member for The Entrance, David Mehan, has called for action to reduce flood risk at The Entrance.
13 December 2023
Sea of orange in Gosford CBD
Mann St, Gosford was awash with a sea of orange on Wednesday December 6, as hundreds of Coasties came together to Walk against Domestic and Family Violence. The walk in solidary – from 7 Mann St Gosford to Kibble Park, Gosford – was designed to raise awareness of domestic and family violence on the Central Coast.
13 December 2023
Get set for a safe summer on NSW roads
Holiday makers are reminded to plan ahead and avoid peak travel times, for road trips with minimum stress and optimum cheer this summer festive season.
13 December 2023
What does the word service really mean?
It’s common today for many organisations, in particular Australia Post and telecommunications companies, such as Telstra, to emphasize the fact that they provide a service to their customers. But exactly what do they mean when they use the word service?
6 December 2023
An attempted land flog-off that failed
In a major win for the community, a significant stand of mature paperbark and she-oak trees at Austin Butler Reserve, Woy Woy will be retained for the community, after Council resolved at its meeting on 28 November that no further action should be taken to progress the sale of this land – the land was taken off the chopping block… after community groups put a long fight to save it.
6 December 2023
Can you spot a scam?
The NSW Government is urging people to be alert to cybercriminals targeting busy online shoppers ahead of Christmas, with more than $126.5 million lost to scams across the state in 2023.
6 December 2023
Somersby Falls undergoes stage 2 upgrades
The popular Somersby Falls picnic area in Brisbane Water National Park, on the plateau just west of Gosford Township, will remain closed until June 2024 as it undergoes a significant upgrade.
6 December 2023
A political shell game
Fiddling with interest rates won’t alter inflation — or change the fact that people are doing it tough, despite Reserve Bank boss Michelle Bullock believing it’s all a lot of winging background noise and all is well in ‘candyland’. What is fact is that the Reserve Bank interest rate decisions are decidedly nothing more than the 'pet shop galah variety'.
6 December 2023
Sunburn in children and young people
Parents and carers are being urged to protect their children from the sun, with an alarming number of children and young people being treated in emergency departments for sunburn.
6 December 2023
Have your say on enhancing the night-time
economy on the Central Coast
Central Coast Council is calling on the community to join them in a discussion about enhancing the diversity of the Central Coast’s night-time economy.
6 December 2023
Meeting health challenges on climate change
The Federal Government has launched Australia’s first National Health and Climate Strategy that is aimed at ensuring our health system can meet the challenges of climate change.
6 December 2023
Multi-million-dollar road repair blitz for the Central Coast
Central Coast roads will benefit from $5.7 million in funding from the new Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund (RERRF) announced in the 2023-24 NSW Budget.
6 December 2023
Pacific Link Housing to receive funding
Pacific Link Housing is set to receive $100,000 towards a CCTV Upgrade at a large social housing estate under their management, thanks to the NSW Government as part of the $37.2 million Local Small Commitments Allocation Program.
6 December 2023
Improving accessibility and creating an inclusive community
Central Coast Council celebrated International Day of People with Disability on 3 December, and is raising local awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by people with a disability, to help create a more accessible and inclusive region.