Free learner driver first aid course
The Hon. David Harris Member for Wyong joined St John Ambulance volunteers introducing their interactive online free Driver First Aid training course that can be accessed by members of the community.
Member for Wyong, David Harris, with instructors from the 'free learner driver first aid course'.
14 August 2024
PARTICIPANTS learner driver first aid course will be informed about the importance of roadside first aid, before signing up to an accessible e-learning course that takes only 40 minutes to complete and is offered at no cost.
Mr Harris MP said, “Participants learn common first aid interventions such as, how, and when to call for help, putting a person in the recovery position, checking, and supporting an airway, stopping a bleed, treating broken bones, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and administering an Automated External Defibrillator, if one is available.”
5,508 Australians have signed up to St John’s Learner Driver First Aid online training since its inception.
The program works on the premise that in First Aid, any action is better than no action, as an early intervention.
This a great opportunity to have everyday locals to feel empowered to act, and to feel confident that they are following the right steps.
This is especially important in situations of crisis, such as on the roadside after a crash, when stress and hazards can be particularly heightened.
“Knowing basic first aid can help anyone in responding to another person who is ill or injured, in the vital moments after an incident, whilst waiting for emergency services,” said Mr Harris.
“Whilst the program is primarily geared towards young people and those who are new behind the wheel, the skills and knowledge are applicable to all road users and are also skills for life.”
The initiative has more recently been adapted to suit other road users, such as Truck Drivers, who have their own online version (truckiefirstaid).
Over time St John Ambulance hopes to create tailored versions for new audiences and scenarios. With the valued support of funders, this would be possible.
St John, continues to work on targeted First Aid and road safety advocacy, including various conversations and partnerships with local, state, and Australian governments, and peak bodies.
Further exciting updates to the Driver First Aid program are pending, given a recently completed academic evaluation, and user-led enhancements to the eLearning platform - informed by young people, for young people.
Sign up to Driver First Aid training for free! Anyone can access the free, online training by going to 'driver first aid'.
Once the training is completed, a digital certificate of completion can be downloaded.
For further, fully accredited First Aid Training you can sign-up for other courses in your state/territory by visiting St John First Aid training.