Endless adventure ahead
for Pelican Park
Pelican Park Playground is set to be enjoyed for generations of families to come as construction begins on a new and improved playspace, thanks to NSW Government funding.
Liesl Tesch , Member for Gosford and Brett Sherar, Unit Manager Open Spaces and Recreation, Central Coast Council at Pelican Park, Woy Woy.
1 May 2024
THE upgrade to the Pelican Park playspace will be completed thanks to a $100,000 commitment by the NSW Government under the Local Small Commitments Allocation Program in partnership with Central Coast Council. Council is also contributing almost $100,000 to the project.
Upgrades will see the inclusion of elements of both nature-play and pirate-themed play concept designs, which were finalised in November 2023 following community consultation.
Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch said “Pelican Park is a well-known Woy Woy icon that has been a favourite for locals for generations and I am proud to see this playspace receive a much-needed upgrade.
“You only have to walk past Pelican Park at any time of the day to hear the sounds of our younger Coasties and their families enjoying this beloved community space. I think that most Coasties would have a memory of this wonderful playspace, which has been enjoyed by generations of families in our community.
“As our community grows, it has never been more important to provide young families and children with great outdoor playspaces, where kids can simply be kids, while enjoying the wonderful outdoors of the Central Coast.
“Alongside the community, over several years, I have campaigned hard to save this loved community playspace and I am overjoyed to see construction begin on the new and improved playground.”
Construction of the upgrade works will commence this week, with the aim for the works to be completed in June (weather permitting).
Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart said “We thank the NSW Government for their funding support for the upgrade of this playspace.
“As already mentioned by the Member for Gosford, the Pelican Park playspace design was guided by community consultation, and will include traditional play equipment including shade infrastructure, swing sets, slides and a climbing structure and nature play with rope traverse and balance beams.
“Once construction is completed the neighbouring Anderson Park will be decommissioned to be relocated and repurposed to Spencer to provide a playspace solution for that community.”
Council reminds visitors to the area that there will be no access to the playspace while construction is underway.
The upgrade of Pelican Park is being completed under the Local Small Commitments Allocation Program (LSCA). Projects funded under this NSW Government program will help strengthen communities and provide improvements at a local level, making NSW an even better place to live.
The LSCA Program is a $37.2 million grants program, managed by the NSW Government, that will deliver $400,000 to each of the 93 NSW electorates, providing benefits to local communities and councils through a range of investments tailored to local needs.