Reid hosts veteran's forum

On May 12, a veterans’ forum was held at Breakers Country Club in Wamberal. Veterans and veterans’ organisations from across the Central Coast were invited to meet with the Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh, State Minister for Veterans, David Harris, and Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid.

(L-R): Dr Gordon Reid, Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh and State Minister for Veterans, David Harris.

24 May 2023


DURING the recent veteran's forum, a range of issues were discussed including better support for veterans in healthcare and mental health services, veterans’ payments, and the upgrading of IT systems, used by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.


Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh MP, said supporting veterans is a key priority for the Albanese Labor Government.


“Our government is committed to repairing the damage done by the former government’s underfunding and under-resourcing of the Department of Veterans Affairs. That has had real-world consequences for veterans," said Minister Keogh.


“One of our top priorities is eliminating the claims backlog from under the last Government to make sure veterans receive the services and supports they need and deserve.


“It was fantastic to meet with veterans from across the Central Coast to share what the 2023 Budget will mean for them.”


Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid said that the forum was the start of regular meetings organised by his office.


“The Central Coast has one of the highest proportion of veterans across all age groups compared with any other region in Australia,” Dr Reid said.


“All levels of government, particularly the Federal Government, must ensure we are doing all we can to assist veterans following their service to our nation.


“I am pleased that the Albanese Labor Government has already increased the TPI Payment and invested $87 million into improving the claims processing system, but continued focus is needed across veterans’ issues.


DR Gordon Reid said that it was quite special having the Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh, and the new State Minister for Veterans, David Harris, attend the inaugural forum and provide adviced.


“During my term, I plan on hosting regular veterans’ forums to hear directly from veterans and veterans’ organisations about the issues affecting them and how we can address them,” Dr Reid said.


“Veterans’ support is an issue close to my heart, and I plan on doing all I can to improve the quality of life for our veterans on the Central Coast.”


Dr Reid’s office is available to assist veterans on the Central Coast with any issues or concerns relating to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.


Dr Reid’s office can be contacted by phone on 4322 2400 or by email at

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