Road upgrades have arrived
Central Coast Council has received $40 million for the Central Coast Local Roads Package, delivering on an Australian Government 2022 election commitment.
Dr Gordon Reid at Rickard Road in Empire Bay, which will receive an upgrade.
28 February 2024
THE local roads funding package will see the delivery of 46 individual projects to be carried out over a four-year period, from 2024 to 2027.
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said “When complete, these critical projects will improve safety and travel efficiency on the Central Coast – a key commitment of the Australian Government.”
Dr Gordon Reid, Federal Member for Robertson, said that the Australian Government is getting on with their commitment of delivering safer and smoother roads for the Central Coast.
“When I am speaking with our community, one of the key issues raised is the condition of local roads," Dr Reid said.
“I am pleased that through my advocacy, the Federal Government will provide $40 million to Central Coast Council to undertake upgrades to 46 local roads.
“These upgrades will improve safety and driving conditions for every Central Coast resident.
“I am committed to continuing to advocate for increased funding for our local roads."
Projects have been grouped into two programs: Projects will involve Road Pavement Upgrades and Road and Drainage Upgrades, and will benefit roads across the Central Coast.
The program of priority work addresses Council’s high-priority roads contained within Council’s Pavement Management System.
Central Coast Council Director Infrastructure Services Boris Bolgoff said that the funding will add to the already allocated funding from Council’s own Operational budget, as well as other funding from both the Australian and NSW governments.
“Projects were identified by taking the current road condition and life-cycle costs associated with any proposed treatment/upgrade into consideration," Mr Bolgoff said.
“Council has also recently carried out a comprehensive road condition audit of the entire local road network using laser technology, which included visiting sites in person to validate audit findings.
“The focus of this program is targeted at asset renewal, which primarily focuses on the structural integrity of the road pavement. The intent of the works is to reduce ongoing maintenance costs and improve road safety where possible.
“By identifying issues early on, and fixing them, we greatly reduce the maintenance burden and improve the user safety for perhaps the next 20 years for these upgraded roads.”
According to Council Administrator Rik Hart, the delivery of the $40 million in funding from the Australian Government is extremely welcome.
“No council can entirely fund major capital works programs in their local government area," said Mr Hart.
“We thank the Australian Government for this important funding and look forward to continuing to work with both levels of government to identify future grants which will benefit the Central Coast.”
For all information on the progress of Council road projects visit Council’s interactive Capital Works Map.